jim carrol the basketball diaries

The Basketball Diaries by Jim Carroll - Reviews, Discussion
The dinstictive feature of Basketball Diaries is that the main character actually exists: Jim Carroll , a writer-singer-performer born in NYC in the 50's.
The Basketball Diaries
Teddy sniffing glue he was 12 years old / Fell from the roof on East Two-nine / Cathy was 11 when she pulled the plug / On 26 reds and a bottle of wine
Jim Carroll , Poet and Punk Rocker Who Wrote ' The Basketball
What is the name of the character based on a real person that Leonardo DiCaprio plays in the movie The Basketball Diaries ? Jim Connors; Jim Carroll
JIM CARROL INTERVIEWED (1996): Writing the junk and Basketball
As promised to DM devotees, here's part 3 of Jim Carroll's reading of The Basketball Diaries . Part 4 coming soon. Part 1. Part 2.
SongMeanings | Lyrics | Jim Carroll Band - People Who Died
2 Dec 2010 The Basketball Diaries is the true life story of Jim Carrol . .... Basketball Diaries follows Jim Carroll's true-life story as a Catholic
Rocker, ' Basketball Diaries ' Author Jim Carroll Dies at 60 - Spinner
Jim Carroll : poet, diarist, musician, and author of The Basketball Diaries .
Dangerous Minds | Jim Carroll reading The Basketball Diaries
Information about all the various editions of The Basketball Diaries, with
Jim Carrol Basketball Diaries - Free Mp3 Download - Downloads.nl
14 Sep 2009 Poet and punk rocker Jim Carroll has died at age 60. Funeral arrangements are pending.A respected poet and musician, Carroll also was the
RIP: Jim Carrol (1949-2009)
14 Sep 2009 Jim Carroll , the poet and punk rocker in the outlaw tradition of Rimbaud “ The Basketball Diaries ,” reissued in a mass-market edition in
stephenmalkmus.com / Jim Carrol
It was also featured in the 1995 film The Basketball Diaries (based on Jim Carroll's autobiography), and was covered by John Cale on his Antártida
Jim Carroll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
13 Sep 2009 Jim Carroll , an icon of the underground for his memoir, ' The Basketball Diaries , ' died Friday, Sept. 11, in his New York City apartment of a
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: The Basketball Diaries
12 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 18 Sep 2009 basketball diaries kicks ass, by the way! one of my favorite movies ever Re: Jim Carrol . Basketball Diaries is a must see......good drug
The Basketball Diaries : Amazon.de: Jim Carroll : Englische Bücher - [ Translate this page ] The Basketball Diaries [Taschenbuch]. Jim Carroll (Autor) Details anzeigen. Dieser Artikel: The Basketball Diaries von Jim Carroll Taschenbuch www.amazon.de › ... › Arts & Literature › Authors - Cached - Similar Jim Carroll - Poems, Biography, Quotes
A comparison of the book " The Basketball Diaries " by Jim Carrol and Scott Kalvert's movie version. Written in 2002; 1400 words; 2 sources; $ 53.95
Comparison Essay on " The Basketball Diaries "
Jim Carrol Basketball Diaries - Free Mp3 Download - Downloads.nl.
14 Sep 2009 Poet and punk rocker Jim Carrol passed away at his home in Manhattan Based on his personal diaries, The Basketball Diaries detailed